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Psychedelic Assisted Facilitation in Parker, CO

Hello, dear neighbors in the beautiful town of Parker, Colorado. Life is an incredible tapestry of experiences, each unique, weaving together a path of wellness and self-discovery. Although our natural surroundings are breathtaking and inspiring, we know that life’s journey can sometimes bring us face to face with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Do you feel stuck on your path, unable to move beyond old wounds? Have lingering issues held you back from diving headfirst into the vibrant life and adventures that our Parker community offers?

Allow me to remind you, from a place of understanding and compassion, that you are not alone in your struggles. Fortunately, resources exist right here in Parker to support you during these challenging times.


As someone who calls Parker home, I deeply understand how the connection between our mind, body, spirit, and emotions influences our existence. Throughout my own journey, I discovered that, just like you, I sometimes needed external support to open those daunting doors held firmly shut by my limiting beliefs and behaviors.

That’s where I feel called to help you. In Parker, Colorado, I offer Psychedelic Assisted Facilitation services to guide you in understanding the nuances of your life from a holistic perspective. This process provides a safe space for you to explore the depths of your consciousness, enabling you to build resilience and find the keys needed to unlock and move past those stubborn doors.

“Just to sit without expectation with someone who is in grief or fear or loneliness or despair, without trying to fix them in any way, or manipulate their experience to match your idea of how it should be; just to listen, without playing the role of ‘expert’ or ‘enlightened guru’ or ‘the one who knows best’; just to be totally available to the one in front of you, and to walk with them through the fire, to hold their hand when they are broken – this is how we begin to heal each other through love. Beyond our roles, unprotected, unresolved, undefended, we truly meet.”

– Jeff Foster

As we embark on this journey together, you’ll find yourself better equipped to embrace and fully enjoy the richness of life in our beloved Parker and your own personal journey.

If you’re a Parker resident, or live in the surrounding area, I’m here to walk alongside you through this transformative experience. I wholeheartedly believe that the keys to overcoming limitations lie within you, and together, we can help you find them. Embrace a newfound sense of balance and harmony in your life, and reach out to embark on this exciting journey towards holistic wellness and self-discovery.


Flourish in mind, body & spirit

It’s time to unwrap the wellness that has been waiting to burst forth from within you, patiently, lovingly.

Colorado residents voted to pass Proposition 122 in Colorado in November of 2022. When Colorado finalizes the governance and regulations for licensed healing centers and practitioners, psilocybin-assisted therapeutic services will be legally available here in Colorado. These psilocybin-assisted therapeutic services are projected to be available sometime in 2024.

When Proposition 122 was passed, the decriminalization of psilocybin mushrooms for “personal use” went into effect. This means that it is no longer a criminal offense for individuals to possess, ingest, share or gift psilocybin mushrooms to persons who are at least 21 years of age without remuneration (i.e. payment.)

I provide guidance and support for individuals engaged in “personal use” of psilocybin. Preparation is a key piece of this work, and without integration support, it is akin to missing half of the medicine experience. At this time, under the new Colorado state law, I cannot offer psilocybin-assisted therapy until the licensing requirements for healing centers and facilitators is finalized (expected to be in late 2024). In addition, I can not sell psilocybin-containing mushrooms, nor can I suggest or recommend psilocybin mushrooms for therapy or any other purposes.